Royer Studios' Animate My Action Plan (AMAP)
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Dream | Believe | Achieve

An action plan for life success.
Royer Studios’ Animate My Action Plan (AMAP) program provides hands-on media arts education to prepare Youth ChalleNGe cadets for successful futures in the 21st Century workforce. AMAP was developed in collaboration with the National Guard Youth Foundation and sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.

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We believe in second chances

Founded in 1993, The National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program is an evidence-based program designed to provide opportunities to teens who have left school before earning a high school diploma yet demonstrate a desire to improve their potential for successful and productive lives.

ChalleNGe helps young people improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, life skills, education levels, and employment potential.

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An innovative partnership

The National Guard Youth Foundation partnered with Royer Studios to provide a comprehensive technology-based workforce development program to address Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) deficiencies in the existing and future labor force.

Animate My Action Plan, engages at-promise youth in STEAM education and prioritizes serving underrepresented populations through the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program. AMAP is sponsored by the Office of Naval Research.


AMAP Programs

Tarheel ChalleNGe cadets animate their film.

Tarheel ChalleNGe cadets animate their film.

AMAP Phase 1

Cadets begin the AMAP program with the Phase 1 class. Through this cross-curricular workshop, cadets reflect on the consequences of their choices and decisions and learn the value of taking responsibility for their results. Cadets work in teams to create animated short films based on their life experiences and the action plans they’ll implement to their achieve their goals.

South Carolina Youth ChalleNGe cadet photographs soldiers.

South Carolina Youth ChalleNGe cadet photographs soldiers.

AMAP Phase 2

AMAP Phase 2 is an entry-level vocational training program focused on content development for the web, including video production, photography, graphic design, music and audio engineering, and computer coding. Cadets use 21st Century technology to learn the foundational skills of producing media while exploring related careers and educational pathways.

Michigan Youth ChalleNGe cadets document their experiments in science class.

Michigan Youth ChalleNGe cadets document their experiments in science class.

AMAP Phase 2+

AMAP Phase 2+ merges media arts with general education standards. Royer Studios developed this comprehensive program to improve technology literacy, engage cadets in active learning, and ultimately increase GED passing rates. Cadets participate in one extracurricular class per week to learn a media arts skill that can then be applied in their general education classes.